5 years ago, armed with the knowledge of the biggest Munich-Music-Nerd (that was me at the time) I wrote a pretty long post in three parts about the Munich Sound from 2010 to 2019 and my own part in it in the second half of the decade. The post was called “The Munich Underground Scene:…
Thanks to the beautiful network that I met while working on Freiräumen last year I am back to my old love for theater with an eclectic group of young artists, musicians and dissidents that came together in the last months to create a Punkmusical. Yeah, you read that right. A dozen of performers on a…
The DJ Bike was an absolutely nice surprise among the insane amount of Kulturveranstaltungen happening this fall. The last-minute-ness of it made it straight up punk, even if stunningly curated: places – people playing – people passing by. Die Lore flirting with the snail sculpture next to the Theresienwiese Biergarten, Rag Treasure dancing in the…
So it’s there, around the corner, the Forum für Freiraum 2022 between the 26th and 31st of December. Oh godsss. I had the absolute privilege and pleasure to work with the inspired Kurationsteam of the Freiräume Initiative and Upstart on the following evening program. It was this addictive mix of ambition, dramaturgy and finding new…
A worm in Pico Be’s ear during a nightly bike ride through Feldmoching. It’s Lou Reed’s Coney Island Baby. Bicycle wheels through empty streets bordered with greenery, cars and Hochhäusern chanting The Glory of Love over and over again. The repetition of the cityscape and the moving lights are intoxicating. The Odd Poet thinks of…
I take a little bit of time off of my paid holidays (that’s such a new and welcome concept) to look back on the last few years of my Munich adventure. In a way, I think my journey reflects a reality that is bigger than myself – for example, the number of Clubs in Munich…
Dear people that sometimes fall on a webpage, This is a long overdue online update of what happens offline, in this Munich Scene/Subculture(s) where all is known without the need of a WLAN connection. Munich Again Thursdays is now a monthly Mittwoch in Import Export. I repeat. Munich Again is now every last Wednesday of…
AGAINST any monolithic definitions of beauty AGAINST quantifying success in any way possible AGAINST giving space to neoliberalism in subculture Is it Munich Against, or Against Munich? Every few weeks this summer, will munich again(st) give Carte Blanche / Freie Hand to a pillar of the Munich Subcultures. Everything is allowed. A platform for experiments…
Hello, here’s the blogger again. Long time no see 🙂 . I want to share my impressions on the first Munich Again Thursday yesterday, not from the booker’s point of view, but from the Emilie that watches the Munich Scene from afar, the Emilie that feels a lot of love for the artists that give…
munich again stands for: Once again, magic comes from where you don’t expect it. You don’t expect Munich to be a city of hidden beauty, but it is : for a respectable number of people, Munich is a meeting point to make great things happen. Let’s make it known. The Munich Scene is not defined…
Something visible, audible, strong and shaking the landscape. A earthquake in Munich. Or a lightning striking the city, maybe. Nope, this was the Alien Kick, and to this much-needed invader, we wish the warmest welcome and hope it will come back soon. From trance caused by polyrhythmic melodies to shocked awe in the face of…
The overwhelming notion of time slipping through my fingers is gone. Time goes with a slower pace than ever before. Coffee tastes stronger, beer tastes sweeter, and conversations sink into my brain a little deeper. No more deadline of going back, no more guilt about missing something out (well, there’s always a little guilt left…
The debate about the image problem in Munich is extremely interesting, and more than necessary. I strongly recommend to read the initial article, the counter-article, the Keno answer and the follow-up before reading this article. Yesterday, I sat down in the Montreal Atomic Café with Dennis Kastrup, a friend of mine that also shares his…
The link between cities, universes. My universes. Munich meets Montreal, at long last! The last days before Pollyester comes to Montreal fly by at alarming speed as the POP Montreal staff is finalizing the last details before the opening party.
I’ve been back for a week, already, but not quite completely. What I thought was going to be holidays became a intense race against time : let’s make as many things as possible happen before I leave. A sleepless weekend programming the Sausage Productions identities before the Manuela launch. The most intense two weeks I’ve…
Switching from Montréal Mode to Munich Mode is like turning the page to a new chapter, every time. The gesture is increasingly smoother as it engraves itself in muscles’ memory. Three times now. Three chapters that start in the unknown, with loved protagonists and cityscapes as anchors for an ongoing tale of music, passion and…
Some albums ask for a laidback listening. Some you can listen to casually, put them in cars or in bars, making people fall in love for the length of one song, making them ask “Wow who’s that?”… Some other albums may seem hermetic when you first taste them, because they need to be listened to…
Dear friend, dear artist, dear Munich Scene, Emotions are high, right now. Heartache and love and wanting to enjoy every last minute with you make me feverish, shaky and a little manic. I already miss you, so much.
A train ride. A gig in Linz. A tour bus ride. A gig in Vienna. A day in Vienna. Another gig in Vienna. A night of dancing. A car ride back to Munich again. When put like this, it seems pretty ordinary, the life on tour is pretty minimalist : travel, look for something to…
Here we are, at the end of 2015, a completely incredible year. 2015 is the year where the Munich Underground Scene actually became completely tangible to me. I was here from January 22nd to February 4th, and now I’ve been here since November 4th. I had all the time in the world to completely dive into…
Let me tell you a story. The story of a fangirl living the dream. It’s a tale of diving head first into opportunities, a tale of shared passion for music, a tale of love fusing from all sides. In this story, this fangirl left her fingerprints all over the musical stories of a city. Somewhere, in…