Category: Emilie’s chronicles

  • Munich Underground Scene Review 2020-2024

    Munich Underground Scene Review 2020-2024

    5 years ago, armed with the knowledge of the biggest Munich-Music-Nerd (that was me at the time) I wrote a pretty long post in three parts about the Munich Sound from 2010 to 2019 and my own part in it in the second half of the decade. The post was called “The Munich Underground Scene:…

  • Forum für Freiraum 2022

    Forum für Freiraum 2022

    So it’s there, around the corner, the Forum für Freiraum 2022 between the 26th and 31st of December. Oh godsss. I had the absolute privilege and pleasure to work with the inspired Kurationsteam of the Freiräume Initiative and Upstart on the following evening program. It was this addictive mix of ambition, dramaturgy and finding new…

  • The Munich Underground Scene: a (half-) Decade in Review

    The Munich Underground Scene: a (half-) Decade in Review

    I take a little bit of time off of my paid holidays (that’s such a new and welcome concept) to look back on the last few years of my Munich adventure. In a way, I think my journey reflects a reality that is bigger than myself – for example, the number of Clubs in Munich…

  • The opening night from the blogger’s point of view

    The opening night from the blogger’s point of view

    Hello, here’s the blogger again. Long time no see 🙂 . I want to share my impressions on the first Munich Again Thursday yesterday, not from the booker’s point of view, but from the Emilie that watches the Munich Scene from afar, the Emilie that feels a lot of love for the artists that give…

  • The (quite literal) point of no return

    The (quite literal) point of no return

    The overwhelming notion of time slipping through my fingers is gone. Time goes with a slower pace than ever before. Coffee tastes stronger, beer tastes sweeter, and conversations sink into my brain a little deeper. No more deadline of going back, no more guilt about missing something out (well, there’s always a little guilt left…

  • The Bridge

    The Bridge

    The link between cities, universes. My universes. Munich meets Montreal, at long last! The last days before Pollyester comes to Montreal fly by at alarming speed as the POP Montreal staff is finalizing the last details before the opening party.

  • An imaginary evening (or Chapter 3’s ending)

    An imaginary evening (or Chapter 3’s ending)

    I’ve been back for a week, already, but not quite completely. What I thought was going to be holidays became a intense race against time : let’s make as many things as possible happen before I leave. A sleepless weekend programming the Sausage Productions identities before the Manuela launch. The most intense two weeks I’ve…

  • Emilie in Munich, Chapter Three

    Emilie in Munich, Chapter Three

    Switching from Montréal Mode to Munich Mode is like turning the page to a new chapter, every time. The gesture is increasingly smoother as it engraves itself in muscles’ memory. Three times now. Three chapters that start in the unknown, with loved protagonists and cityscapes as anchors for an ongoing tale of music, passion and…

  • A love letter

    A love letter

      Dear friend, dear artist, dear Munich Scene, Emotions are high, right now. Heartache and love and wanting to enjoy every last minute with you make me feverish, shaky and a little manic. I already miss you, so much.

  • On Tour

    On Tour

    A train ride. A gig in Linz. A tour bus ride. A gig in Vienna. A day in Vienna. Another gig in Vienna. A night of dancing. A car ride back to Munich again. When put like this, it seems pretty ordinary, the life on tour is pretty minimalist : travel, look for something to…

  • Peace and Noise and a new chapter of the story

    Peace and Noise and a new chapter of the story

    Let me tell you a story. The story of a fangirl living the dream. It’s a tale of diving head first into opportunities, a tale of shared passion for music, a tale of love fusing from all sides. In this story, this fangirl left her fingerprints all over the musical stories of a city. Somewhere, in…

  • (Trying to) Put an end to the Schreibblockade

    (Trying to) Put an end to the Schreibblockade

    I have not written anything in two weeks. And no, it’s not because things were not interesting, far from it. The last days at the Praxis, the crazy parties all around, Die Lore at MajMusicalMonday, Christmas, and Imagine Peace, the glorious Rote Sonne evening with LeRoy+Band and Pollyester, yesterday.

  • The raven hour

    The raven hour

    I don’t take a lot of pictures. It’s hard to portray the smell of dead leaves finding its way back into the city’s perfume after many days of the overpowering smell of sunlight. To portray the way the lukewarm breeze hits the trembling muscles of my thighs from such a long stroll by the Isar.…

  • Right here, right now

    Right here, right now

    4 in the morning, 4 days in. It feels like the routine is : don’t even try to have a routine, or a three-part-plan, as the most beautiful things that happen to you are always out of accidents. Just give yourself a canvas for the night, the first brushstroke, the rest is a dance between…

  • The opening song of my wonderful journey’s soundtrack

    The opening song of my wonderful journey’s soundtrack

    I wrote a thing for a Franz Ferdinand fans’ project. I thought I’d share, as it may give some interesting backstory on WHY AM I HERE AND WHY DO I INVEST SO MUCH TIME IN ALL OF THIS. Without more introduction, if you are interested, a little text for you under the cut.

  • Random musing #672

    Random musing #672

    aka Huge Mishmash of MongkongLove and “Oh no, the blogger is talking about The Blogger once again for fuck’s sake” (Photo credit : FastForwardMonaco) The SMS gigs threw me back into The Rhytm Police, more specifically the Turbo Bells album. I feel like I understood sooooo much of mongkong beats in the process of the listening…

  • Février, mars, avril, mai

    Février, mars, avril, mai

    It’s been only four months. It’s highly likely that I’m not able to come back to Munich for another four months. Still, my Facebook feed is dripping of summer shining on Bavaria, and I feel like I’m not completely missing out all the fun. You all post stunning show pictures, backstage glimpses, rehearsal teasers, bar…

  • On being a fan, the Moon and Transatlantic S-Bahn

    On being a fan, the Moon and Transatlantic S-Bahn

    It’s 2PM in Quebec city and still a part of me is fully aware that it’s 8PM in Munich. It’s not even been 10 days since I’m back to Real Life, with family, friends, projects, shows…

  • Last Travel Chronicle

    Last Travel Chronicle

    I close my eyes as I listen to your music, and instead of seeing colours and landscapes, I see your faces. I see the veins on the top of your hands as they play their instruments, I see your feet following the tempo. I see your half closed eyes and I can hear your deep,…

  • The Big Post of the February 1st Recap

    The Big Post of the February 1st Recap

    Photo credit : Nana Dix (So this is it, the big post. It was written all day between meetings and travels…) I listen to the pulse of downtown Munich on a Monday morning and realize how silent the city was yesterday. Silent? Only outside. Because if you knew where to look out to, you would…

  • Travel Chronicle #4 – Protein Edition

    Travel Chronicle #4 – Protein Edition

    There’s something utterly fascinating about feeling an artist watching you as you listen to their new or unreleased sounds for the first time. This moment when you say something about the track, it’s like taking a plunge into darkness, not knowing how far below the water is. Are you catching the essence on the first…