Travel Chronicle #3 – KSWP Edition

You know what’s nice? That’s nice.

I’m beginning to think there’s a masterplan at work to seduce me into staying in this city forever.

We tried to find our way to the rehearsal room (yeah, the indications were totally needed), and found this steep set of metal stairs down what seemed like a redesigned sewer entrance. Whatever was going to happen next was meant to be unique. And it was. I mean, my very own private show? Getting a bag of records upon my arrival, beers (again, and again), meeting even more amazing artists, cuddling with Odie the Hunderground.

Then it starts. Katie Smokers Wedding Party are as gracious live as they are on their recordinds, of course. So many new songs. Great live sounds.  So many little details I took in. The pacing sheets writings (DAMN! I wanted to take pictures for the lettered-sheets blog and I forgot). The pineapple shaker. The smiles on the audience members’ faces. The way each of them received the music differently. Special little words of love in French, just for me. My cheeks muscles were sore this morning from all the smiling. This was an amazing opportunity to live this, I’ll be forever grateful for it. When the next KSWP record comes out, it’s going to be infused with a myriad of unique memories, feelings and flavours. It’s pretty cool to be able to live that. Pretty cool. That’s nice 😉

And such a wonderful pleasure to meet Atatakakatta! A completely explosive act. They could wake the dead.

Thanks for all the amazing moments. This trip is pure happiness.



